Monday, June 11, 2012

Fresh Squeezed

Some of you may not know that we're actually living on the Deseret Cattle and Citrus Ranch. 

While Keith's internship has nothing to do with the citrus side of things, I was hoping we could still reap the benefits of it. Much to our dismay when we got here we had missed the season picking by a week. They leave a row of orange trees for the employees but being the newbies we didn't know about it until it was too late! I was bummed when I found out. Dreams of juicy oranges and fresh squeezed OJ went out the window...
But, not all hope was lost! There's couple that lives two cowboy houses down from us who are also doing internships. He is doing an accounting internship in the office while she's doing the citrus one. She told us how she'd grab handfuls of the missed oranges while she was working and was kind enough to pick us some! Somehow free oranges made this humidity a little more worth surviving.
Come to find out, the ranch grows mostly juice oranges. They're certainly not known for their good looks and if you try to peel it you're sure to get more on you than in you..but the juice! YUM.

It only took about 5 oranges to get two full glasses of the sweet stuff. So good.

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