Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I heart my crockpot

I fell in love with my crockpot when I got married. We make dinner in it at least once a week so when we moved and there wasn't one here I was distressed. Thankfully we found one at walmart for $15 and got it. Best purchase yet. Now that we're here I have a new motto: If it can be made in the crockpot, I'm going to try it. Anything to save me from turning on my oven in this kind of heat is a serious life saver. There are a few baked goods we miss though..bread being one of them. I have a SUPER easy no-fail bread in one hour recipe I make all the time at home (thanks to my sister Jeniece for sharing). Well, we move here without a bread pan and it's 90+ degrees and things were looking grim. Cue pintrist. That place has so many good ideas (like these crockpot "baked" potatoes) That's where I saw crockpot bread. I was a little hesitant, but like I said before if it can be made in the crockpot and I don't have to use my oven, I'm going to try it. I took ideas from these websites and I ran with it. :
http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com/2012/05/29/crock-pot-bread-baking-fast-bread-in-a-slow-cooker (the idea)
http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com/2010/02/09/back-to-basics-tips-and-techniques-to-create-a-great-loaf-in-5-minutes-a-day (the recipe..but I halved it)

Here's how I worked it...
1 1/2 cups of warm water
1 1/2 teaspoons of yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
3 1/4 cups of flour

Mix all the ingredients above with a wooden spoon (remember, we're kitchenaid and bosch-less) and let it rise for 2 hours room temp. After it's risen, add flour to your counter (be generous, it's a sticky dough) and form a loaf. Then I sprayed some pam in my crock, floured it (or use parchment paper), and tossed in the dough. Turned it on hi and let it do it's thing. It took about 2 hours and the top still wasn't crusty (or brown) so I took the almost-done loaf out, flipped it over, and let the top cook for another 30. This bread was pretty forgiving. I kept checking it and poking it throughout the process and it still turned out great. The top never did brown, but that's just the way it is and I'm not going to complain. The results were delish. This recipe is half of the original. I only wanted to make one loaf, however, you can mix up the full recipe and stick the rest of the dough in the fridge for another day and it works just fine. Just put the dough right in the crockpot from the fridge.

1 comment:

  1. So I totally pinned this but haven't tried it yet...I was hesitant too but I'm glad someone I know tried it and it worked! I'm definitely going to do it soon!
